For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for FIRE false alarms is as follows:
I want to renew for next year as soon as possible. How can I make my renewal payment early?
The city of Ann Arbor Online Alarm Registration System (OARS) will forward you to the payment screens to pay for renewal 59 days or less before your registration is due to expire. Most Ann Arbor alarm registrations expire on 12/31/XXXX which will mean you can not pay for your registration online until after November 1 of each year. You CAN register and pay early by going to the City Hall and renewing in person or by mail.
RING has indicated they will not be responsible for no response policies for your local fire ordinance. How can I insure my fire alarm will be responded to?
The city of Ann Arbor requires a commercial property to be inspected by the fire department. We do not have specific information on how to arrange a fire inspection, more information can be found below, or you can contact the fire department. Our role here is to assist in helping you get registered online for Police. You are no longer required to register your alarm system if you have a 'fire only' alarm. More info on registering for police alarms and fire inspections can be found on these pages
IF YOU RECEIVE A LARGER FINE IN YOUR INVOICE: If you receive an invoice for $119 or $287 it is because you were not registered at the time of the false alarm and the registration fee was added to your false alarm fee. Please register anyway, as the 911 center needs your contact information in case of emergency.
To locate the parcel number for your properties go to:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
Online Registration Printable Registration Form Jurisdiction Website Ordinance
As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 6/22/2021 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
As of 6/22/2021 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 6/15/2021 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
As of 6/15/2021 no information regarding this is available
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
The city of Canton website is located here:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 02/10/23 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
False Alarm Exceptions: Each of the following circumstances shall not constitute a false alarm and no fee shall be assessed:
Appeal: Any owner or lessee of an alarmed premises may appeal the assessment of a false alarm fee to the director of public safety. Such appeal shall be in writing, and filed with the director within ten days of notification of assessment.
<p>-The permit serves several purposes including providing a list of emergency contacts for the location; information about the company monitoring the alarm; for a business, hours of operation and locations of key boxes. There is no charge for this permit.</p> <p>-Permits do not expire and remain valid while the alarm system is in operation.</p> <p>-If the Fire Division responds to a false alarm, the permit holder will receive a letter with a request for information regarding the cause of the false alarm and steps that have been taken to prevent a reoccurrence. This answer must be provided within 14 days. A response fee, set by the City Council, is assessed for more than one false alarm in a calendar year.</p>
As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
To register online, As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 10/12/2020 no information regarding false alarms is available
As of 10/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms fees are available.
As of 10/12/2020 no information is available
As of 10/16/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
Will the city help me assess my alarm system?
The Crime Prevention Bureau conducts dozens of security surveys each year, giving residents and business owner's recommendations on how to make their property less prone to crime. The owner's property is inspected by having the locks and window security analyzed, their landscaping checked, and the lighting around the property studied. A report is then provided which explains points of interest, and illustrations show possible remedies. Alarm users who are having problems with false alarms are also advised on tips to reduce false alarms. These are free of charge. Contact the Crime Prevention Bureau at 313.277.7414 for more information.
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
Exemption from alarm fee: The foregoing false alarm fees shall not be required in the following cases:
(1)Activation of the alarm system due to severe storm conditions;
(2)Alarm system malfunction, if corrective measures have been instituted within five (5) days thereafter, and a copy of a repair order by a licensed alarm system contractor is provided to the city police department within thirty (30) days of the false alarm;
(3)Evidence of activation of the alarm system by disruption or disturbance of utility company facilities such as, but not limited to accidents involving utility pools;
(4)The chief of police or his designee is hereby authorized and empowered to waive the requirement for false alarm fees upon presentation of evidence of the existence of circumstances in any given instance that the alarm system was activated by conditions beyond the control of the alarm user which could not have been reasonably foreseen or prevented.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The city of Flat Rock website is located here:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
The city of Flint website is located here:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 02/10/23 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
The Garden City website is located here:
The fee schedule for BOTH REGISTERED POLICE AND FIRE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for BOTH UNREGISTERED POLICE AND FIRE false alarms is as follows:
An alarm system user shall be in violation of this Code whenever any alarm system signals:
(a)More than three (3) false alarms in any one hundred twenty (120) day period.
(b)More than four (4) false alarms in any two hundred forty (240) day period.
(c)More than five (5) false alarms in any three hundred sixty-five (365) day period.
(2)False alarms which are recorded in the first sixty (60) days after installation of an alarm system for which an alarm system user permit has been issued shall not be counted. False alarms that are successfully contested by the alarm user shall not be counted.
(a)The fine for the first false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than fifty dollars ($50.00).
(b)The fine for the second false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
(c)The fine for the third false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(d)The fine for the fourth false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00).
(e)The fine for the fifth false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
(f)The fine for [the sixth and] each subsequent false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00).
As of 6/24/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
As of 6/24/2021 no information regarding this is available.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for FIRE false alarms is as follows:
Click here if step by step help on registration is needed
How do I pay for my false alarm fee and/or my registration? If you have received an invoice from the City of Lansing, you can mail in payment to the address listed on the bottom of your invoice:
Make Check Payable and Mail to:
City of Lansing Treasurer 124 W. Michigan Ave, 1st Floor Lansing, Mi 48933
Or you can easily pay online by clicking here
*Make sure you have your invoice number and the correct amount due to insure your payment is applied to the correct account.
Can my fee be waived if I have a Burglar/Fire Alarm combination?
If you have a burglar/FIRE alarm combination alarm panel, you are exempt from the $25 registration fee. Please contact your alarm company that installed the dual fire/burglar alarm panel system for a 'Certificate of Installation'. When you receive your invoice, please mail the invoice back with the certificate of installation, and we will add your credit. If you have the ability to scan in your certificate, you can do so and email it to
When an alarm owner installs 'Ring' and they do not have a monitoring company, what number should they call if they see a burglary in progress? Call 911 if a burglary is in progress, it needs to be reported asap. If they see on a recording that a burglary has happened in the past, they can call non-emergency dispatch (517-272-6026).The city of Lansing requires you to reregister if you move or change your alarm company. If you do not move or change your alarm company your registration will not expire.
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
Online Registration Printable Registration Form Jurisdiction Website Ordinance
The city of Livonia website is located here:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for BOTH POLICE AND FIRE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 11/10/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
As of 11/10/2020 no information regarding this is available
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
The city of Plymouth website is located here:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
<p>Notwithstanding any penalties provided for in the event of a conviction for a violation of this chapter, in order to defray the cost of responding to false alarms, the owner or lessee of an alarm system experiencing more than three false alarms, as described above, within one calendar year, shall pay to the City of Royal Oak a false alarm fee for each separate occurrence, and the amount of that fee shall be that which is established by resolution of the Royal Oak City Commission. After receiving the third false alarm, the police shall notify the owner or lessee of the premises in writing of this chapter and the amount of the fee at that time charged for subsequent occurrences during that calendar year.</p>
An Alarm user shall be subject to fines, depending on the number of false alarms within the calendar year, based upon the following schedule:
False Alarm Fines: Registered location
Burglary/Robbery/Panic/Fire - Residential/Commercial Fine Schedule
1st false alarm : No Charge
2nd false alarm : Warning notice
3rd false alarm : $50.00
4th false alarm : $75.00
5th false alarm and above : $100.00 each
If the location is identified as unregistered at the time of the false alarm, they will be charged $100.00 penalty for operating an unregistered location for each false alarm in addition to the false alarm fine. This fine can be waived if the location registers within 10 days from the date of the invoice.
Late Fee for False Alarm Fines: A location will be charged a late fee of $25.00 for failure to pay the false alarm fine within 30 days from the invoice date.
The city of Southgate website is located here:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
<p class="p0"><span class="ital"><em class="hit hlt2">Alarm</em> system</span> shall mean any device or assembly of equipment and devices arranged to signal the presence of a condition requiring urgent attention and to which police officers, fire fighters, or emergency medical personnel are expected to respond. An "<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system" may include, but is not limited to, systems commonly known as a "hold-up <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system", "burglar <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system", "intrusion <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system", "temperature fire <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system", "manual fire <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system", "fire <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system", or an "automatic sprinkler water-flow <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system". An <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system on a motor vehicle shall not be considered an <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system for the purpose of this article, unless an <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system on a motor vehicle shall be connected with an <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system at a premises, or as set forth in section 18-26. Building/premises <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> systems designed solely to alert occupants of the premises or a private monitoring post, or to activate a fire suppression system or similar system, and which lack an audible signal, flashing light, or telephone or other communications system designed to alert persons outside of the premises, are likewise excluded, unless an <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> generated by such a system is communicated to the police department or fire department and results in a response.</p> <p class="p0"><span class="ital"><em class="hit hlt2">Alarm</em> user</span> shall mean person or other entity on whose premises an <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> system is maintained within the city. Information identifying the <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> user shall be provided to the city through the registration process under this article. In the event of an unregistered system, or one with outdated registration information, the property owner of record shall be considered to be the <em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> user.</p> <p class="p0">$25 ALARM FEE</p>
As of 10/6/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
Sterling Heights has a detailed document regarding frequently asked questions Sterling Heights FAQ pdf
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
The City of Taylor has been enforcing an existing false alarm ordinance since the beginning of the calendar year 2016. The first two false alarms are not charged, and a warning letter is sent out to the alarm address on the first false alarm.
There is no requirement to register an alarm system in Taylor as of this writing last updated 2/23/2017.
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 10/16/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
As of 10/16/2020 no information available
Main points of alarm billing program:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
For waiver requests alarm owner will have to call Waterford Police Department at (248) 674-0351 or write a letter. There is no current form for a Waiver request as of 04/24/2023.
Click here if step by step help on registration is needed
Payments for false alarms can only be made by check. Cash or Credit cards are not accepted.
Make Check Payable and Mail to:
Waterford Police Department
5150 Civic Center Drive
Waterford, MI 48329
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
Wixom Ordinance requires that residents with an alarm system must register their alarm with the Police Department and can use the form below. Please fill out the form and mail or fax it to:
Wixom Police Department
Attn: Records Department
49045 Pontiac Trail
Wixom, MI 48393
Phone: 248.624.6114
Fax: 248.624.0860
Any person or entity utilizing an alarm system which causes false alarms that occur more
frequently than (3) times in a calendar year, commencing anew on January 1 of each and
every year, shall be subject to the following fines:
First false alarm beyond yearly allowance $ 75.00
Second false alarm beyond yearly allowance $100.00
Third false alarm beyond yearly allowance $150.00
Fourth false alarm beyond yearly allowance $250.00
Fifth or more false alarm beyond yearly allowance $500.00
No Information regarding this is available as of 12/15/2021
The city of Wyandotte website is located here:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
As of 10/8/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.
The City of Ypsilanti payment restarts on a calendar year
The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:
The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:
DISCLAIMER: the owner of this website updates information as it is available, and does this for their own personal reference and use. This is a useful tool to look up alarm ordinances throughout the country, and you are welcome to the information, but there is NO claim of accuracy implied by the website owner. We advise you to use the links in each jurisdiction directory to verify information with each location. If you have ordinance information that you do not see on our website, please share with us here Add your ordinance here
A free ordinance information service for all of America, donated by EnablePoint Inc.