City of Ann Arbor:

  1. To register online, go to
    • New Customers: If you have never registered online before, enter your email address in the NEW USER side of the page, and a password will be emailed to you. Remember to check your SPAM folder if you do not see the email. The email should arrive within 5 minutes.
    • Payments for Registrations: Payments for registrations can be made during your online registration process. If you are paying by check, please make sure you read the security instructions about your BILLING ADDRESS carefully. The last page only requires your street number, not your street number + street name. If no payment is due, the online registration can be updated anytime during the year, the payment button will not appear.
    • Payments for false alarm invoices: Make sure you have your invoice number: go to ""
  2. To register by mail, print and fill out the PDF form located at

  3. For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

    False Fire Alarms

    The fee schedule for FIRE false alarms is as follows:

    • 1st: $250
    • 2nd: $250
    • 3rd: $250
    • 4th: $250
    • 5th: $250

    Frequently asked questions

    I want to renew for next year as soon as possible. How can I make my renewal payment early?

    The city of Ann Arbor Online Alarm Registration System (OARS) will forward you to the payment screens to pay for renewal 59 days or less before your registration is due to expire. Most Ann Arbor alarm registrations expire on 12/31/XXXX which will mean you can not pay for your registration online until after November 1 of each year. You CAN register and pay early by going to the City Hall and renewing in person or by mail.

    RING has indicated they will not be responsible for no response policies for your local fire ordinance. How can I insure my fire alarm will be responded to?

    The city of Ann Arbor requires a commercial property to be inspected by the fire department. We do not have specific information on how to arrange a fire inspection, more information can be found below, or you can contact the fire department. Our role here is to assist in helping you get registered online for Police. You are no longer required to register your alarm system if you have a 'fire only' alarm. More info on registering for police alarms and fire inspections can be found on these pages

    IF YOU RECEIVE A LARGER FINE IN YOUR INVOICE: If you receive an invoice for $119 or $287 it is because you were not registered at the time of the false alarm and the registration fee was added to your false alarm fee. Please register anyway, as the 911 center needs your contact information in case of emergency.

    To locate the parcel number for your properties go to:

    There are no additional service fees when paying by credit card.

    W-9 Form

    False Police Alarms

    The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

    • 1st: $82
    • 2nd: $82
    • 3rd: $82
    • 4th: $82
    • 5th: $82
    • 6th: $82
    • 7th: $82
    • 8th: $82
    • 9th: $82
    • 10th: $82
    • 11th: $82

    The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

      False Fire Alarms

      The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

        Online Registration  Printable Registration Form  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

      City of Battle Creek :

      As of 10/25/2022 there is no information regarding false alarms for the City of Battle Creek. We were able to locate an ordinance from the year 1985 for alarm registration:

      803.04 ALARM USER PERMITS.

      (a) Before the operation of an alarm system, or within thirty days after the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance 13-85, passed July 16, 1985) for alarm systems in operation on such date, every alarm user in the City shall obtain an alarm user permit for each alarm system operated within the City from the Police Department or the Fire Department. This section does not require an alarm system agent or an alarm system contractor to obtain a permit when it leases or provides services to alarm system users. However, if an alarm system agent or alarm system contractor uses an alarm system to protect its own premises, it shall obtain a permit. (Ord 14-87. Passed 10-13-87.)
      (b) An alarm user applying for a permit shall pay a registration and inspection fee as provided in Section 802.24 and complete a permit application form with the following information: (1) His or her name; (2) The address of the residence or business in or upon which the alarm system has been or will be installed; (3) His or her home and business telephone number; (4) The type and purpose of the alarm system; (5) The name of the alarm system agent or alarm system contractor selling, installing, monitoring, inspecting, responding to and/or maintaining the alarm system; and (6) The name and telephone number of at least three persons who can be reached at any time, day or night, who are authorized to promptly respond to an alarm system, who can open the premises in which the system is installed and who live fifteen miles or less from the premises. The inability of the Police Department to contact an individual named in this paragraph, or the failure of such individual to promptly respond to a police inquiry, shall relieve the Police Department of any obligation for the safekeeping of property and premises.
      (c) Any alarm system designed to detect the presence of fire or smoke shall also be registered with the Fire Department. An alarm user applying for a permit under this subsection shall pay a registration and inspection fee as provided in Section 802.24, provided that such fee is waived if payment has been made pursuant to Section 803.04(b), and shall complete a permit application with the following information: (1) His or her name; (2) The address of the residence or business in or upon which the alarm system has been or will be installed; (3) His or her home and business telephone numbers; (4) The name of the alarm system agent or alarm system contractor selling, installing, monitoring, inspecting, responding to and/or maintaining the alarm system; and (5) The location of the annunciation panel.
      (d) Any change in the information required by subsection (b) or (c) hereof shall be communicated to the Police Department or the Fire Department, whichever is appropriate, within forty-eight hours of the change. (Ord. 13-85. Passed 7-16-85.)
      (e) Any alarm system designed to emit an audible siren, noise, flashing light, beacon or other sound or light annunciation so as to signal persons outside the premises shall be equipped to automatically terminate the local annunciation of the alarm system within five minutes (fifteen minutes in Agricultural and Heavy Industrial Districts) from the initial light or sound emission. (Ord. 14-87. Passed 10-13-87.)


      (a) An alarm user shall pay to the City a fee for all false alarms which occur in any calendar year. Each calendar year shall run from 12:01 a.m. January 1 until 12:01 a.m. of the following January 1. The failure to pay such fees shall be cause for revocation of the alarm user permit and unpaid fees may be assessed against the real property tax for the premises and become a lien thereon. All fees which shall be charged shall be prescribed in the schedule provided for in Section 802.24. (Ord. 12-93. Passed 7-27-93; Ord. 11-2015. Passed 1-5-16.)
      (b) Alarm conditions caused by the following extenuating circumstances shall not constitute a false alarm and no false alarm fee shall be charged by the City under such circumstances: (1) Alarm system malfunctions, if occurring within thirty days from the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance 13-85, passed July 16, 1985) for all alarm systems currently in use, or within thirty days after the installation of an alarm system, whichever is later, if made for the purpose of evaluating the alarm system and making necessary adjustments to eliminate false alarms, and if corrective measures have been instituted. "Corrective measures" means the alarm user has had the system inspected by an alarm system contractor who shall cause a written report containing the results of the inspection, the probable cause for the false alarm, the nature of any repairs undertaken or performed to remedy the malfunction, and the contractor's recommendation for limiting false alarms, to be filed with the Police Department or the Fire Department, whichever is appropriate, within five days of the inspection. (2) Meteorological or geological conditions when a large number of alarms or a large area of the City is affected; (3) Alarms activated by the disruption or disturbance of telephone or other communication systems, by motor vehicle-utility pole accidents, or by mechanical or electrical failure of the system or by industrial or commercial accidents to the system; or (4) Alarm conditions being activated by persons working on the alarm system with prior notification to the Police Department, or, in the case of fire alarm systems, to the Fire Department: A system that malfunctions due to mechanical or electrical failure will be put out of service until it is inspected and repaired by a licensed alarm system contractor and until the system has been declared fit for service by the contractor. Appearance before the Alarm Safety Board pursuant to this section is not required. Except for the circumstances set forth in paragraph (b)(4) hereof, which circumstances require prior notification, the alarm user shall notify the Police Department, or in the case of fire alarm systems, the Fire Department, by filling out an alarm notification card and returning it to the Police Department or the Fire Department, whichever is appropriate, within five business days. The timely return of an alarm notification card which indicates that the cause of the alarm was one of the reasons enumerated in this subsection shall result in no false alarm fee notice being sent to the alarm user. Failure to notify the Police Department or the Fire Department will result in an automatic billing to the user. (Ord. 14-87. Passed 10-13-87.)
      (c) Within five business days following the response of a police officer to an alarm call, a representative of the Police Chief, or within five business days following the response of fire fighters to an alarm call, a representative of the Fire Chief, shall mail an alarm notification card to the alarm user as named on the permit in Section 803.04.
      (d) Within five business days of the date of receipt of the alarm notification card, the alarm user shall return the completed card to the Police Department or the Fire Department, whichever is appropriate. Failure by the alarm user to return the card shall cause an automatic billing of the false alarm fee to be sent to the alarm user.
      (e) If, upon receiving a false alarm fee notice, the alarm user wishes to request a waiver due to extenuating circumstances, he or she may do so, in writing, within ten business days of the assessment date. The waiver request to the Police Department or the Fire Department, whichever is appropriate, shall contain documentation of the extenuating circumstances involved. Within thirty days of the receipt of the waiver request by the Police Department or the Fire Department, the Police Chief or the Fire Chief or his or her designated agent shall make a determination on the waiver request and shall notify the alarm user of the decision. (Ord. 13-85. Passed 7-16-85.)
      (f) If the alarm user is not satisfied with the decision rendered by the Police Chief or the Fire Chief, or the designated agent thereof, an additional request for a waiver may be filed within five business days of such decision for appeal to the Alarm Safety Board. At its next regularly scheduled meeting after receipt of the waiver request and documentation of extenuating circumstances, the Board shall review the request, make a determination on the waiver and notify the alarm user of the decision.
      (g) There is hereby established an Alarm Safety Board. The Board shall consist of seven members. The members and their initial terms of office shall be proposed by the AMSA Council and confirmed by the City Commission. The Board shall include one fire chief, one police chief, one governmental official and four members at large. The terms shall be three years (initial terms may be shorter) and the members shall receive no compensation. Members shall be residents of the AMSA area. A quorum shall consist of three members of the Board. A member shall not pass on any question in which he or she has an interest.
      (h) An alarm system charged with more than four false alarm fee notices in a twelve-month period is deemed defective and, upon written notice to the owner or lessee of the alarm system, at the address listed in the registration of the alarm system, by the Police Department or the Fire Department, the owner or lessee of the alarm system may appear before the Board to show cause why the alarm user permit should not be revoked. The alarm user shall have up to ten minutes to make an oral presentation and the Police Chief, the Fire Chief or the representative thereof shall have up to ten minutes in rebuttal. At such hearing the Board may order the owner or lessee of the alarm system to correct the system or may order the revocation of the alarm user permit. The decision of the Board shall be final. (Ord. 14-87. Passed 10-13-87.)
      (i) Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this chapter, light or sound annunciation alarm systems which malfunction twice within a thirty-day period or four times within a calendar year are deemed defective and shall be put out of service until inspected by an alarm service contractor who shall, within fifteen days after inspection, file a written report to the Police Chief of the results of his or her inspection of the system. Upon receipt of the report, the Police Chief shall forward the report to the alarm user, giving written notice that the alarm user may appear before the Board to show cause why the alarm user permit should not be revoked pursuant to the procedures set forth in subsection (h) hereof.
      (j) Failure to comply with any provision or order in this section shall result, after due notice, in the revocation of the registration or permit provided for in this chapter. (Ord. 13-85. Passed 7-16-85.)

      Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

      Benton Harbor, Michigan:

      1. Online registration: As of 6/19/2023 online registration is not available.
        • To Register by Mail: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
        • Payments for Registrations: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
        • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.

        Frequently asked questions

      City of Birmingham :

      1. New Customers:Registration is not required in the city of Birmingham
      2. Payments for Registrations: As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
      3. Payments for false alarm citation:As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
      4. False Fire Alarms

        As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

        Frequently asked questions

        As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

        For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

        False Police Alarms

        The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

        • 1st: $0
        • 2nd: $50
        • 3rd: $50
        • 4th: $50
        • 5th: $50
        • 6th: $50
        • 7th: $50
        • 8th: $50
        • 9th: $50
        • 10th: $50
        • 11th: $50

        The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

          False Fire Alarms

          The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

            Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

          City of Bloomfield Hills :

          1. To register online, go to Alarm Monitoring Forms
            which will need to be completed for those residents who would like the Bloomfield Hills Public Safety Department to monitor their digital alarm signals.
            • New Residents : Registration is not mandatory for the city of Bloomfield Hills.
            • Payments for Registrations: Bloomfield Hills does not charge a fee for registration

          False Fire Alarms

          As of 6/22/2021 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

          Frequently asked questions

          As of 6/22/2021 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

          False Police Alarms

          The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

          • 1st: $0
          • 2nd: $0
          • 3rd: $0
          • 4th: $0
          • 5th: $0
          • 6th: $100
          • 7th: $100
          • 8th: $100
          • 9th: $100
          • 10th: $100
          • 11th: $100

          The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

            False Fire Alarms

            The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

              Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

              Bloomfield Township :

                • Payments for Registrations: Bloomfield Township requires a fee of $10 upon registration
                • Payments : If you prefer to mail your payment, please mail to: 4200 Telegraph Road P.O. Box 489 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-0489 248-433-7776
              1. To register by mail, print and fill out the PDF form located at Bloomfield Township forms

              False Fire Alarms

              As of 6/15/2021 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

              Frequently asked questions

              As of 6/15/2021 no information regarding this is available

              False Police Alarms

              The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

              • 1st: $0
              • 2nd: $0
              • 3rd: $50
              • 4th: $50
              • 5th: $50
              • 6th: $50
              • 7th: $50
              • 8th: $50
              • 9th: $50
              • 10th: $50
              • 11th: $50

              The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                False Fire Alarms

                The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                  City of Brighton :

                  City of Canton :

                  The city of Canton website is located here:

                  For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                  False Police Alarms

                  The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                  • 1st: $ 0
                  • 2nd: $ 0
                  • 3rd: $100
                  • 4th: $200
                  • 5th: $300
                  • 6th: $300
                  • 7th: $300
                  • 8th: $300
                  • 9th: $300
                  • 10th: $300
                  • 11th: $300

                  The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                    False Fire Alarms

                    The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                      Center Line, Michigan :

                      • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 02/10/23 there is no information regarding alarm registrations.


                      False Alarms Fees in 12-month period

                      • 1st: $0
                      • 2nd: $0
                      • 3rd: $50
                      • 4th: $75
                      • All additional calls: $100

                      False Fire Alarms

                      As of 02/10/23 no information regarding fire alarms is available.


                      Frequently asked questions

                      False Alarm Exceptions: Each of the following circumstances shall not constitute a false alarm and no fee shall be assessed:

                      • Alarm system malfunctions, if corrective measures have been instituted within a 72-hour period with notification to the public safety department documenting repair service to remedy the malfunction.
                      • Alarm conditions activated by a person working on the alarm system with prior notification to the public safety department.
                      • Alarms which can be substantiated as being activated by disruption or disturbance of utility company facilities or motor vehicle-utility pole accidents or by storm conditions.


                      Appeal: Any owner or lessee of an alarmed premises may appeal the assessment of a false alarm fee to the director of public safety. Such appeal shall be in writing, and filed with the director within ten days of notification of assessment.

                      Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                      <p>-The permit serves several purposes including providing a list of emergency contacts for the location; information about the company monitoring the alarm; for a business, hours of operation and locations of key boxes. There is no charge for this permit.</p> <p>-Permits do not expire and remain valid while the alarm system is in operation.</p> <p>-If the Fire Division responds to a false alarm, the permit holder will receive a letter with a request for information regarding the cause of the false alarm and steps that have been taken to prevent a reoccurrence. This answer must be provided within 14 days. A response fee, set by the City Council, is assessed for more than one false alarm in a calendar year.</p>

                      Online Registration  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                      Clinton Township:

                      1. To register online, As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
                        • New Customers: Registration is not required in Clinton township
                        • Payments for Registrations: To register online, As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
                        • Payments for false alarm citation: To register online, As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.

                      False Fire Alarms

                      As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                      Frequently asked questions

                      To register online, As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.

                      False Police Alarms

                      The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                      • 2nd: $50
                      • 3rd: $75
                      • 4th: $100
                      • 5th: $100
                      • 6th: $100
                      • 7th: $100
                      • 8th: $100
                      • 9th: $100
                      • 10th: $100
                      • 11th: $100

                      The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                        False Fire Alarms

                        The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:


                          City of Dearborn :

                          1. To register online: Limited information is provided, we will continuously try and acquire more information
                            • Police/ Burglar alarm : At this time we have no information regarding registration
                            • Fire Alarm : Registering a fire alarm is required. to access the city form from the website click here: City of dearborn Forms
                            • Payments for false alarm citation: At this time no payment information is available.

                          False Police Alarms

                          As of 10/12/2020 no information regarding false alarms is available

                          False Fire Alarms

                          As of 10/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms fees are available.



                          Frequently asked questions

                          As of 10/12/2020 no information is available






                          Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                          City of Dearborn Heights :

                          1. To register, go to
                            • New Customers: Registration is required
                            • Payments for Registrations: Dearborn Heights does not charge a fee for registration.
                            • Payments for false alarm citation: No information is available for false alarm fees as of 10/16/2020.
                          2. To register by mail, print and fill out the PDF form located at Dearborn Heights registration forms
                            Return completed form to: City Clerk, 6045 Fenton, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

                          False Alarms

                          As of 10/162020 no information regarding false alarm fees are available

                          False Fire Alarms

                          As of 10/16/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                          Frequently asked questions

                          Will the city help me assess my alarm system?
                          The Crime Prevention Bureau conducts dozens of security surveys each year, giving residents and business owner's recommendations on how to make their property less prone to crime. The owner's property is inspected by having the locks and window security analyzed, their landscaping checked, and the lighting around the property studied. A report is then provided which explains points of interest, and illustrations show possible remedies. Alarm users who are having problems with false alarms are also advised on tips to reduce false alarms. These are free of charge. Contact the Crime Prevention Bureau at 313.277.7414 for more information.



                          City of East Lansing :

                          City of Farmington Hills :

                            • New Customers: Registration is required, click here To register online: As of 04/25/2023 no information regarding this is available


                            • Payments for Registrations: A $15 registration fee is required at the time you file. You currently must pay by check. Make the check payable to the City of Farmington Hills. If you prefer to mail your payment, please mail to: 31655 W. Eleven Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48336


                            • Payments for false alarm citation: If you prefer to mail your payment, please mail to: 31655 W. Eleven Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48336


                            • To register by mail, print and fill out the PDF form located at Farmington Hills Forms and mail to: 31655 W. Eleven Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48336

                          For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                            • Exemption from alarm fee: The foregoing false alarm fees shall not be required in the following cases:
                              (1)Activation of the alarm system due to severe storm conditions;
                              (2)Alarm system malfunction, if corrective measures have been instituted within five (5) days thereafter, and a copy of a repair order by a licensed alarm system contractor is provided to the city police department within thirty (30) days of the false alarm;
                              (3)Evidence of activation of the alarm system by disruption or disturbance of utility company facilities such as, but not limited to accidents involving utility pools;
                              (4)The chief of police or his designee is hereby authorized and empowered to waive the requirement for false alarm fees upon presentation of evidence of the existence of circumstances in any given instance that the alarm system was activated by conditions beyond the control of the alarm user which could not have been reasonably foreseen or prevented.

                            • Automatic dialing prohibited
                              No person shall install, use, operate or adjust an alarm system that will, upon activation, either mechanically, electronically or by other means initiate the automatic calling, dialing or connection to any telephone number assigned to the city police department, fire department or the 911 Emergency Number which connects or assigns the call to these departments or their dispatchers.


                            • Automatic Shut-Off
                              All alarm systems which emit a signal audible beyond the boundaries of the property protected must have automatic shutoff feature which silences the audible portion of the alarm not more than ten (10) minutes after its activation.


                            • Designated agent for alarms (keyholder)
                              An alarm user who owns or maintains an alarm system which when activated causes a signal to be emitted which can be heard or seen outside the premises protected by the alarm system shall designate an agent who, upon thirty-minute (30) notice, can access the premises in which the alarm system is installed and deactivate the audible and/or visible signal. Telephone number and address of the designated agent who must be available at any time, day or night shall be provided upon registration of the alarm system.
                            • If the fees are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of written notice, a ten dollar ($10.00) service charge shall be imposed for the second and third activation and a twenty-five dollars ($25.00) service charge for the fourth and subsequent activations. A five dollar ($5.00) additional service charge shall be imposed for each thirty-day period the fee remains unpaid

                          False Police Alarms

                          The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                          • 1st: $0
                          • 2nd: $20
                          • 3rd: $40
                          • 4th: $100
                          • 5th: $100
                          • 6th: $100
                          • 7th: $100
                          • 8th: $100
                          • 9th: $100
                          • 10th: $100
                          • 11th: $100

                          The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                            Printable Registration Form  Ordinance  

                            City of Flat Rock :

                            The city of Flat Rock website is located here:

                            For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                            False Police Alarms

                            The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                            • 1st: $75
                            • 2nd: $75
                            • 3rd: $75
                            • 4th: $75
                            • 5th: $75
                            • 6th: $75
                            • 7th: $75
                            • 8th: $75
                            • 9th: $75
                            • 10th: $75
                            • 11th: $75

                            The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                              False Fire Alarms

                              The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:


                                City of Flint :

                                The city of Flint website is located here:

                                For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                False Police Alarms

                                The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                • 1st: $ 0
                                • 2nd: $ 0
                                • 3rd: $75
                                • 4th: $100
                                • 5th: $125
                                • 6th: $150
                                • 7th: $175
                                • 8th: $200
                                • 9th: $225
                                • 10th: $250
                                • 11th: $275

                                The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                  False Fire Alarms

                                  The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                    Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                    Flint Township :

                                      • As of 02/10/23 there is no information regarding alarm registration.
                                      • Payments for Registrations: As of 02/10/23 there is no information regarding payments for alarm registration.
                                      • Payments for false alarms: As of 02/10/23 there is no information regarding payments for false alarms.

                                    False Alarms Fees

                                  • Any security alarm system experiencing more than four false alarms within a calendar year is deemed defective and upon written notice to the owner or lessee of the security alarm system by the police department the owner or lessee shall have the system inspected by an alarm system contractor who shall within 15 days file a written report to the department of state police and to the chief of the police department of the results of its inspection of the system, the probable cause of the false alarms, and its recommendations for eliminating false alarms. Failure to comply with this section shall, after written notice to the owner or lessee of the security alarm system, result in the revocation of any written permission granted pursuant to subsection (a) of this section in the ordinance.

                                  • Penalty: If, after receiving notice of a revocation pursuant to subsection (d)(2) of this section, an owner or lessee has a subsequent false alarm, the owner or lessee shall be in violation of this section. A violation of this section is hereby designated a municipal civil infraction and a fine in an amount not to exceed $500.00 plus costs shall be paid by a defendant who is found responsible for each such violation. Violators will also be subject to sanctions, remedies and procedures as set forth in article 6 of chapter 2 of this Code and Public Act No. 236 of 1961 (MCL 600.101 et seq.).
                                    If the civil fine is paid at the township's municipal violations bureau pursuant to a municipal ordinance violation notice the fine shall be $100.00. No costs shall be imposed or collected at the violation bureau for this violation.
                                  • False Fire Alarms

                                    As of 02/10/23 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                                    Frequently asked questions

                                    Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                    Garden City, MI

                                      The Garden City website is located here:

                                    1. Registration for your alarm system: Garden City does not have information available whether or not registration is required.

                                    2. Fines for false alarms and year type : There is a false alarm fine schedule for this city listed below, and links to the official ordinance are below. Select the Ordinance button at the bottom and scroll over to page 7. In the first section of that page you will see Garden City's ordinance for false alarms.

                                    False Police Alarms


                                    False Alarms

                                    The fee schedule for BOTH REGISTERED POLICE AND FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                    • 1st: $0
                                    • 2nd: $0
                                    • 3rd: $0
                                    • 4th: $85
                                    • 5th: $85
                                    • 6th: $85
                                    • 7th: $85
                                    • 8th: $85
                                    • 9th: $85
                                    • 10th: $85
                                    • 11th: $85

                                    The fee schedule for BOTH UNREGISTERED POLICE AND FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                      Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                      Grand Rapids, Michigan:

                                      1. Online registration: To register online, click here.
                                        • Payments for Registrations: There is no registration fee for residential properties. There is an initial $25 registration fee and an annual $15 renewal fee for commercial and industrial properties. There is an initial $10 registration fee for government or non-profit properties with an annual $5 renewal fee.
                                        • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.

                                        False Alarm Fees

                                        An alarm system user shall be in violation of this Code whenever any alarm system signals:
                                        (a)More than three (3) false alarms in any one hundred twenty (120) day period.
                                        (b)More than four (4) false alarms in any two hundred forty (240) day period.
                                        (c)More than five (5) false alarms in any three hundred sixty-five (365) day period.
                                        (2)False alarms which are recorded in the first sixty (60) days after installation of an alarm system for which an alarm system user permit has been issued shall not be counted. False alarms that are successfully contested by the alarm user shall not be counted.
                                        (a)The fine for the first false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than fifty dollars ($50.00).
                                        (b)The fine for the second false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
                                        (c)The fine for the third false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00).
                                        (d)The fine for the fourth false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00).
                                        (e)The fine for the fifth false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
                                        (f)The fine for [the sixth and] each subsequent false alarm in excess of the number herein permitted shall be not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00).

                                        Frequently asked questions

                                        Printable Registration Form  Ordinance  

                                      Village of Gross Pointe Shores :

                                    • No information regarding this as of 6/24/2021.
                                    • Jurisdiction Website  

                                      City of Grosse Pointe

                                    • No information regarding this as of 6/24/2021.
                                    • Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                      City of Grosse Pointe Farms :

                                    • No information regarding this as of 6/24/2021.
                                    • Jurisdiction Website  

                                      City of Grosse Pointe Park :

                                    • No information regarding this is available as of 6/24/2021.
                                    • Jurisdiction Website  

                                      City of Grosse Pointe Woods :

                                      1. To download the Alarm Application, click here.
                                        • New Residents: Registration is required and ordinance deems that it needs to be updated every three years.
                                        • Payments for Registrations: Grosse Pointe Woods charges a fee of $60 when first registering.

                                      False Alarms

                                    • As of 6/24/2021 no information regarding this is available.
                                    • False Fire Alarms

                                      As of 6/24/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                                      Frequently asked questions

                                      As of 6/24/2021 no information regarding this is available.

                                      Printable Registration Form  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                      Holland, Michigan:

                                      1. Online registration: As of 6/19/2023 online registration is not available.
                                        • To Register by Mail: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                        • Payments for Registrations: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                        • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.

                                        Frequently asked questions

                                      Jackson, Michigan:

                                      1. Online registration: As of 6/19/2023 online registration is not available.
                                        • To Register by Mail: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                        • Payments for Registrations: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                        • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.

                                        Frequently asked questions

                                        False Police Alarms

                                        The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                        • 4th: $100
                                        • 5th: $100
                                        • 6th: $100
                                        • 7th: $200
                                        • 8th: $200
                                        • 9th: $200
                                        • 10th: $200
                                        • 11th: $200

                                        The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                          False Fire Alarms

                                          The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                            Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                          City of Kalamazoo :

                                          False Police Alarm Response

                                          The fee schedule for POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                          • 1st: $0
                                          • 2nd: $0
                                          • 3rd: $0
                                          • 4rd: $0
                                          • 5th and above: $50

                                          The fee schedule for FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                          • 1st: $0
                                          • 2nd: $0
                                          • 3rd: $0
                                          • 4rd: $0
                                          • 5th and above: $100
                                          There is no registration information available for Kalamazoo Michigan

                                          . This section was last updated on 10/25/2022.

                                          City of Lansing :

                                          1. To register online, go to
                                            • New Customers: If you have never registered online before, enter your email address in the NEW USER side of the page, and a password will be emailed to you. Remember to check your SPAM folder if you do not see the email. The email should arrive within 5 minutes.
                                            • Payments for Registrations: If you register online, the system will generate an invoice, and mail out to you. If no payment is due, the online registration can be updated anytime during the year. You will be considered registered with a temporary 30 day expiration date immediately after you submit.
                                            • Payments: Online payment for false alarm or registration invoices can be made here
                                            • If you prefer to mail your payment, please mail to: City of Lansing/ Treasury 124 W Michigan Avenue Lansing MI 48933. Please include your invoice number and alarm address on your check.

                                            W9 Form

                                            Frequently asked questions

                                            Click here if step by step help on registration is needed

                                            How do I pay for my false alarm fee and/or my registration?

                                            If you have received an invoice from the City of Lansing, you can mail in payment to the address listed on the bottom of your invoice:
                                            Make Check Payable and Mail to:

                                            City of Lansing Treasurer
                                            124 W. Michigan Ave, 1st Floor
                                            Lansing, Mi 48933

                                            Or you can easily pay online by clicking here
                                            *Make sure you have your invoice number and the correct amount due to insure your payment is applied to the correct account.

                                            Can my fee be waived if I have a Burglar/Fire Alarm combination?

                                            If you have a burglar/FIRE alarm combination alarm panel, you are exempt from the $25 registration fee. Please contact your alarm company that installed the dual fire/burglar alarm panel system for a 'Certificate of Installation'. When you receive your invoice, please mail the invoice back with the certificate of installation, and we will add your credit. If you have the ability to scan in your certificate, you can do so and email it to

                                            When an alarm owner installs 'Ring' and they do not have a monitoring company, what number should they call if they see a burglary in progress? Call 911 if a burglary is in progress, it needs to be reported asap. If they see on a recording that a burglary has happened in the past, they can call non-emergency dispatch (517-272-6026).

                                            The city of Lansing requires you to reregister if you move or change your alarm company. If you do not move or change your alarm company your registration will not expire.

                                            For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                            False Police Alarms

                                            The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                            • 1st: $0
                                            • 2nd: $0
                                            • 3rd: $35
                                            • 4th: $65
                                            • 5th: $100
                                            • 6th: $150
                                            • 7th: $200
                                            • 8th: $200
                                            • 9th: $200
                                            • 10th: $200
                                            • 11th: $200

                                            The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                              False Fire Alarms

                                              The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                Online Registration  Printable Registration Form  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                              City of Livonia, Michigan

                                                The city of Livonia website is located here:

                                              1. Registration for your alarm system: The city of Livonia does not require a registration or permit for your alarm system.

                                              2. Fines for false alarms and year type : There is a false alarm fine schedule for this city listed below, and links to the official ordinance are below. The city of Livonia utilizes a 'calendar year', meaning your false alarm count begins on January 1 and resets on December 31 each year.

                                              3. Payments for false alarm invoices: Questions about your false alarm invoice should be directed to the city finance department.

                                                For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                FINANCE DEPARTMENT
                                                City of Livonia
                                                33000 Civic Center Drive
                                                City Hall - 2nd Floor
                                                Livonia, MI 48154

                                                Phone: (734) 466-2260
                                                Make sure you have your invoice number.

                                              False Police Alarms

                                              . This section was last updated on 9/25/2020.

                                              False Alarms

                                              The fee schedule for BOTH POLICE AND FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                              • 1st: $0
                                              • 2nd: $0
                                              • 3rd: $50
                                              • 4th: $100
                                              • 5th: $200
                                              • 6th: $300
                                              • 7th: $400
                                              • 8th: $500
                                              • 9th: $600
                                              • 10th: $700
                                              • 11th: $800

                                              Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                              City of Madison Heights :

                                              Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                              Marquette, Michigan:

                                              1. Online registration: As of 6/19/2023 online registration is not available.
                                                • To Register by Mail: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                                • Payments for Registrations: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                                • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.

                                                Frequently asked questions

                                                False Police Alarms

                                                The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                • 4th: $100
                                                • 5th: $100
                                                • 6th: $100
                                                • 7th: $100
                                                • 8th: $100
                                                • 9th: $100
                                                • 10th: $100
                                                • 11th: $100

                                                The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                  False Fire Alarms

                                                  The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:


                                                  Muskegon, Michigan:

                                                  1. Online registration: As of 6/19/2023 online registration is not available.
                                                    • To Register by Mail: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                                    • Payments for Registrations: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                                    • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.

                                                    Frequently asked questions

                                                  City of Novi :

                                                  1. To register online, go to Online Registration
                                                    • New Customers:Registration is required
                                                    • Payments for Registrations: There is no information regarding this as of 11/20/2020
                                                    • Payments for false alarm citation: If you prefer to mail your payment, please mail to: City of Novi, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 48375
                                                  2. To register by mail: No information regarding this as of 11/10/2020
                                                  3. False Fire Alarms

                                                    As of 11/10/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                                                    Frequently asked questions

                                                    As of 11/10/2020 no information regarding this is available

                                                    For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                    False Police Alarms

                                                    The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                    • 1st: $0
                                                    • 2nd: $0
                                                    • 3rd: $50
                                                    • 4th: $75
                                                    • 5th: $100
                                                    • 6th: $190
                                                    • 7th: $190
                                                    • 8th: $190
                                                    • 9th: $190
                                                    • 10th: $190
                                                    • 11th: $190

                                                    The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                      False Fire Alarms

                                                      The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                        Online Registration  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                      City of Owosso :

                                                      1. To register online, As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
                                                        • New Customers: As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
                                                        • Payments for Registrations: As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding this is available.
                                                        • False Fire Alarms

                                                          As of 11/12/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                                                          Frequently asked questions

                                                          False Police Alarms

                                                          The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                          • 1st: $0
                                                          • 2nd: $10
                                                          • 3rd: $25
                                                          • 4th: $25
                                                          • 5th: $25
                                                          • 6th: $25
                                                          • 7th: $25
                                                          • 8th: $25
                                                          • 9th: $25
                                                          • 10th: $25
                                                          • 11th: $25

                                                          The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                            False Fire Alarms

                                                            The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                              Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                          City of Plymouth :

                                                            The city of Plymouth website is located here:

                                                            For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                            False Police Alarms

                                                            The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                            • 1st: $ 0
                                                            • 2nd: $ 0
                                                            • 3rd: $50
                                                            • 4th: $100
                                                            • 5th: $200
                                                            • 6th: $300
                                                            • 7th: $500
                                                            • 8th: $500
                                                            • 9th: $500
                                                            • 10th: $500
                                                            • 11th: $500

                                                            The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                              False Fire Alarms

                                                              The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                              • 1st: $ 0
                                                              • 2nd: $300
                                                              • 3rd: $500
                                                              • 4th: $500
                                                              • 5th: $500
                                                              • 6th: $500
                                                              • 7th: $500
                                                              • 8th: $500
                                                              • 9th: $500
                                                              • 10th: $500
                                                              • 11th: $500

                                                            City of Port Huron :

                                                            City of Owasso :

                                                            <p>Notwithstanding any penalties provided for in the event of a conviction for a violation of this chapter, in order to defray the cost of responding to false alarms, the owner or lessee of an alarm system experiencing more than three false alarms, as described above, within one calendar year, shall pay to the City of Royal Oak a false alarm fee for each separate occurrence, and the amount of that fee shall be that which is established by resolution of the Royal Oak City Commission. After receiving the third false alarm, the police shall notify the owner or lessee of the premises in writing of this chapter and the amount of the fee at that time charged for subsequent occurrences during that calendar year.</p>

                                                            Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                            1. An Alarm user must obtain an alarm registration from the City for each property that utilizes an alarm system. The initial registration fee for the residential and commercial location is $50.00.
                                                            2. All registrations are valid for 1 year from the issue date and must be renewed annually.
                                                            3. Alarm registration cannot be transferred to another person or location.
                                                            4. Failure to register the permit in a timely manner will result in a late fee of $25.00.

                                                            An Alarm user shall be subject to fines, depending on the number of false alarms within the calendar year, based upon the following schedule:

                                                            False Alarm Fines: Registered location
                                                            Burglary/Robbery/Panic/Fire - Residential/Commercial Fine Schedule

                                                            1st false alarm    :    No Charge
                                                            2nd false alarm    :    Warning notice
                                                            3rd false alarm    :    $50.00
                                                            4th false alarm    :    $75.00
                                                            5th false alarm and above    :    $100.00 each

                                                            If the location is identified as unregistered at the time of the false alarm, they will be charged $100.00 penalty for operating an unregistered location for each false alarm in addition to the false alarm fine. This fine can be waived if the location registers within 10 days from the date of the invoice.

                                                            Late Fee for False Alarm Fines: A location will be charged a late fee of $25.00 for failure to pay the false alarm fine within 30 days from the invoice date.


                                                            Online Registration  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                            Township of Saginaw :

                                                            City of Southgate :

                                                            The city of Southgate website is located here:

                                                              For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                              False Police Alarms

                                                              The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                              • 1st: $0
                                                              • 2nd: $100
                                                              • 3rd: $100
                                                              • 4th: $100
                                                              • 5th: $100
                                                              • 6th: $100
                                                              • 7th: $100
                                                              • 8th: $100
                                                              • 9th: $100
                                                              • 10th: $100
                                                              • 11th: $100

                                                              The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                False Fire Alarms

                                                                The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                <p class="p0"><span class="ital"><em class="hit hlt2">Alarm</em>&nbsp;system</span>&nbsp;shall mean any device or assembly of equipment and devices arranged to signal the presence of a condition requiring urgent attention and to which police officers, fire fighters, or emergency medical personnel are expected to respond. An "<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system" may include, but is not limited to, systems commonly known as a "hold-up&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system", "burglar&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system", "intrusion&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system", "temperature fire&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system", "manual fire&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system", "fire&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system", or an "automatic sprinkler water-flow&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system". An&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system on a motor vehicle shall not be considered an&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system for the purpose of this article, unless an&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system on a motor vehicle shall be connected with an&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system at a premises, or as set forth in&nbsp;section 18-26. Building/premises&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;systems designed solely to alert occupants of the premises or a private monitoring post, or to activate a fire suppression system or similar system, and which lack an audible signal, flashing light, or telephone or other communications system designed to alert persons outside of the premises, are likewise excluded, unless an&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;generated by such a system is communicated to the police department or fire department and results in a response.</p> <p class="p0"><span class="ital"><em class="hit hlt2">Alarm</em>&nbsp;user</span>&nbsp;shall mean person or other entity on whose premises an&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;system is maintained within the city. Information identifying the&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em>&nbsp;user shall be provided to the city through the registration process under this article. In the event of an unregistered system, or one with outdated registration information, the property owner of record shall be considered to be the&nbsp;<em class="hit hlt2">alarm</em> user.</p> <p class="p0">$25 ALARM FEE</p>

                                                                Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                                City of St. Clair Shores :

                                                                Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                                City of Sterling Heights :

                                                                1. No Registration for alarm systems required
                                                                  • Payments for false alarm citation: No information available regarding this as of 08/01/2022

                                                                False Alarms Commercial Accounts

                                                              • 1st: $0 ( You will receive a warning letter)
                                                              • 2nd: $0 ( You will receive a warning letter)
                                                              • 3rd: $107
                                                              • 4th: $217
                                                              • 5th and above: $429
                                                              • False Fire Alarms

                                                              • 1st: $0 ( You will receive a warning letter)
                                                              • 2nd: $170
                                                              • 3rd: $340
                                                              • 4th and above: $685
                                                              • As of 10/6/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                                                                Frequently asked questions

                                                                Sterling Heights has a detailed document regarding frequently asked questions Sterling Heights FAQ pdf

                                                                For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                                False Police Alarms

                                                                The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                • 1st: $0
                                                                • 2nd: $0
                                                                • 3rd: $39
                                                                • 4th: $71
                                                                • 5th: $114
                                                                • 6th: $114
                                                                • 7th: $114
                                                                • 8th: $114
                                                                • 9th: $114
                                                                • 10th: $114
                                                                • 11th: $114

                                                                The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                  False Fire Alarms

                                                                  The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:


                                                                    The City of Taylor has been enforcing an existing false alarm ordinance since the beginning of the calendar year 2016. The first two false alarms are not charged, and a warning letter is sent out to the alarm address on the first false alarm.

                                                                    There is no requirement to register an alarm system in Taylor as of this writing last updated 2/23/2017.


                                                                    City of Taylor Waiver Form: To apply for a false alarm fee waiver or false alarm fine waiver, please fill out this form and mail it to the city address listed on the form: City of Taylor Waiver Form

                                                                    Payments for false alarms cannot be paid online. All payments must be made payable and mailed to the address provided below.
                                                                    City of Taylor/ Alarms
                                                                    PO BOX 248
                                                                    Taylor MI 48180

                                                                    Payments can be made in person at city hall but arrangements must be made. Please call (877) 672-1386 prior to arrival.

                                                                    Article III Chapter 18 Any alarm user against whom a service fee has been assessed, as provided for in subsection (e) of this Section, who believes that said service fee has been improperly assessed, may appeal the assessment to an appeals board made up of three (3) members consisting of the fire chief and the police chief, or their designee, and a representative selected by the Mayor. Any such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City clerk within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice for said service fee. If the appeal board determines that that the alarm was erroneously determined to be a false alarm, as that term is defined in this Section, then the service fee shall be waived. If the appeal board determines that alarm was a false alarm, then the service fee shall not be waived. The findings and the decision of the appeal board shall be in writing and filed with the office of the chief of police. The alarm user shall be provided with a copy of the decision by the appeal board. The appeal board's decision is subject to review in the local District Court upon the filing of a proceeding in that Court within thirty (30) days of the decision of the appeal board.

                                                                    The address to send the appeal to is:
                                                                    Taylor Police Department Office of the Chief 23515 Goddard Rd

                                                                    W9 Form

                                                                    For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                                    False Police Alarms

                                                                    The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                    • 1st: $0
                                                                    • 2nd: $0
                                                                    • 3rd: $100
                                                                    • 4th: $200
                                                                    • 5th: $300
                                                                    • 6th: $400
                                                                    • 7th: $500
                                                                    • 8th: $600
                                                                    • 9th: $700
                                                                    • 10th: $800
                                                                    • 11th: $900

                                                                    The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                      False Fire Alarms

                                                                      The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                        Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                                        Traverse City, Michigan:

                                                                        1. Online registration: As of 6/19/2023 online registration is not available.
                                                                          • To Register by Mail: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                                                          • Payments for Registrations: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.
                                                                          • Payments for false alarm citation: As of 6/19/2023 no information is available.

                                                                          Frequently asked questions

                                                                        City of Trenton :

                                                                        No information regarding this is available


                                                                        City of Troy :

                                                                        1. To register , go to
                                                                          • Payments for Registrations: There is a $25 fee required for registration
                                                                          • Payments for false alarm citation: There is no information regarding this as of 10/16/2020
                                                                        2. To register by mail, print and fill out the PDF form located at City of Troy forms

                                                                        Registered False Alarms

                                                                      • 1st: $0
                                                                      • 2nd: $0
                                                                      • 3rd: $100
                                                                      • 4th: $100
                                                                      • 5th: $100
                                                                      • 6th: $100
                                                                      • 7th: $200
                                                                      • 8th: $200
                                                                      • 9th: $200
                                                                      • 10th: $200
                                                                      • 11th and above: $500
                                                                      • Non- registered False Alarms

                                                                      • Penalty/Registration Fee plus one of the following: $50.00***
                                                                      • 1st: $100
                                                                      • 2nd: $100
                                                                      • 3rd: $200
                                                                      • 4th: $200
                                                                      • 5th: $200
                                                                      • 6th: $200
                                                                      • 7th and above: $500
                                                                      • False Fire Alarms

                                                                        As of 10/16/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                                                                        Frequently asked questions

                                                                        As of 10/16/2020 no information available

                                                                        Online Registration  

                                                                        Main points of alarm billing program:

                                                                        • The purpose is to reduce the number of emergency responses to avoidable alarms
                                                                        • All audible, auto dialing, or monitored alarms are covered by the program
                                                                        • All alarms must be registered by the owner/ user
                                                                        • Avoidable alarms are those that are triggered by human error or mechanical defect
                                                                        • The first two avoidable alarms per calendar year are not charged.

                                                                        Each avoidable alarm after the first two is charged a fine of $50.00

                                                                        Printable Registration Form  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                                        Waterford Township :

                                                                        1. To register online, go to
                                                                          • New Customers: If you have never registered online before, enter your email address in the NEW USER side of the page, and a password will be emailed to you. Remember to check your SPAM folder if you do not see the email. The email should arrive within 5 minutes.
                                                                          • Payments for Registrations: If you register online, the system will generate an invoice, and mail out to you. If no payment is due, the online registration can be updated anytime during the year. You will be considered registered with a temporary 30 day expiration date immediately after you submit. Payments must be made by mail to: ( cash or credit cards are NOT accepted)
                                                                          • Payments for false alarm invoices: Make Check Payable and Mail to:
                                                                            Waterford Police Department
                                                                            5150 Civic Center Drive
                                                                            Waterford, MI 48329
                                                                            The only payment method available is by mailing a paper check ( cash or credit cards are NOT accepted)
                                                                        2. To register by mail, print and fill out the PDF form located at Township of Waterford forms

                                                                        3. For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                                        Frequently asked questions

                                                                        For waiver requests alarm owner will have to call Waterford Police Department at (248) 674-0351 or write a letter. There is no current form for a Waiver request as of 04/24/2023.

                                                                        Click here if step by step help on registration is needed

                                                                        Payments for false alarms can only be made by check. Cash or Credit cards are not accepted.
                                                                        Make Check Payable and Mail to:
                                                                        Waterford Police Department
                                                                        5150 Civic Center Drive
                                                                        Waterford, MI 48329

                                                                        W-9 Form

                                                                        False Police Alarms

                                                                        The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                        • 1st: $0
                                                                        • 2nd: $0
                                                                        • 3rd: $25
                                                                        • 4th: $50
                                                                        • 5th: $75
                                                                        • 6th: $75
                                                                        • 7th: $75
                                                                        • 8th: $75
                                                                        • 9th: $75
                                                                        • 10th: $75
                                                                        • 11th: $75

                                                                        The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                          False Fire Alarms

                                                                          The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                            Online Registration  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                                            City of West Bloomfield :

                                                                            For any questions regarding false alarms, registrations, and payments please call: 877-672-1386 for support.

                                                                            False Police Alarms

                                                                            The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                            • 1st: $0
                                                                            • 2nd: $30
                                                                            • 3rd: $40
                                                                            • 4th: $100
                                                                            • 5th: $100
                                                                            • 6th: $100
                                                                            • 7th: $100
                                                                            • 8th: $100
                                                                            • 9th: $100
                                                                            • 10th: $100
                                                                            • 11th: $100

                                                                            The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                              False Fire Alarms

                                                                              The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                                Wixom Ordinance requires that residents with an alarm system must register their alarm with the Police Department and can use the form below.  Please fill out the form and mail or fax it to:

                                                                                Wixom Police Department
                                                                                Attn:  Records Department
                                                                                49045 Pontiac Trail
                                                                                Wixom, MI  48393
                                                                                Phone:  248.624.6114
                                                                                Fax:      248.624.0860

                                                                                Any person or entity utilizing an alarm system which causes false alarms that occur more
                                                                                frequently than (3) times in a calendar year, commencing anew on January 1 of each and
                                                                                every year, shall be subject to the following fines:
                                                                                First false alarm beyond yearly allowance $ 75.00
                                                                                Second false alarm beyond yearly allowance $100.00
                                                                                Third false alarm beyond yearly allowance $150.00
                                                                                Fourth false alarm beyond yearly allowance $250.00
                                                                                Fifth or more false alarm beyond yearly allowance $500.00

                                                                                Printable Registration Form  Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                                                No Information regarding this is available as of 12/15/2021

                                                                                City of Wyandotte :

                                                                                The city of Wyandotte website is located here:

                                                                                False Police Alarms

                                                                                The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                                • 1st: $0
                                                                                • 2nd: $25
                                                                                • 3rd: $50
                                                                                • 4th: $50
                                                                                • 5th: $50
                                                                                • 6th: $50
                                                                                • 7th: $50
                                                                                • 8th: $50
                                                                                • 9th: $50
                                                                                • 10th: $50
                                                                                • 11th: $50

                                                                                The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                                  False Fire Alarms

                                                                                  The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:


                                                                                    City of Ypsilanti :

                                                                                    1. There is no registration required in the City of Ypsilanti
                                                                                    2. Payments for false alarm invoices : Invoices for false alarms will be issued monthly and payment must be made to the police department or city treasurer within ten days

                                                                                        • False Fire Alarms

                                                                                          As of 10/8/2020 no information regarding fire alarms is available.

                                                                                          Frequently asked questions

                                                                                          The City of Ypsilanti payment restarts on a calendar year

                                                                                          Police False Alarms: First occurrence in calendar year Warning Second occurrence in calendar year $100 Third occurrence in calendar year $200 Fourth occurrence in calendar year $300 Each additional occurrence in calendar year Add $100 to previous fine

                                                                                          False Police Alarms

                                                                                          The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                                          • 1st: $0
                                                                                          • 2nd: $100
                                                                                          • 3rd: $200
                                                                                          • 4th: $300
                                                                                          • 5th: $400
                                                                                          • 6th: $500
                                                                                          • 7th: $600
                                                                                          • 8th: $700
                                                                                          • 9th: $800
                                                                                          • 10th: $900
                                                                                          • 11th: $1000

                                                                                          The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                                            False Fire Alarms

                                                                                            The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

                                                                                              Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

                                                                                        Don't see your jurisdiction's ordinance? Click here to upload information for it.

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                                                                                        DISCLAIMER: the owner of this website updates information as it is available, and does this for their own personal reference and use. This is a useful tool to look up alarm ordinances throughout the country, and you are welcome to the information, but there is NO claim of accuracy implied by the website owner. We advise you to use the links in each jurisdiction directory to verify information with each location. If you have ordinance information that you do not see on our website, please share with us here Add your ordinance here

                                                                                        A free ordinance information service for all of America, donated by EnablePoint Inc.