False Police Alarms

The fee schedule for REGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

  • 2nd: $50
  • 3rd: $80
  • 4th: $80
  • 5th: $Must appea

The fee schedule for UNREGISTERED POLICE false alarms is as follows:

    False Fire Alarms

    The fee schedule for REGISTERED FIRE false alarms is as follows:

      Jurisdiction Website  Ordinance  

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      DISCLAIMER: the owner of this website updates information as it is available, and does this for their own personal reference and use. This is a useful tool to look up alarm ordinances throughout the country, and you are welcome to the information, but there is NO claim of accuracy implied by the website owner. We advise you to use the links in each jurisdiction directory to verify information with each location. If you have ordinance information that you do not see on our website, please share with us here Add your ordinance here

      A free ordinance information service for all of America, donated by EnablePoint Inc.